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Greenland Whalefishers

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Punkebjartes Punkeplater inviterer til fest over to dager i Bergen. Dette er dag 1 med noen av byens heiteste band for tiden. Dag 2 finner du her:

Punkebjartes Punkeplater er dødsstolt over å presentere en av landet best bevarte musikalske hemmeligheter: GREENLAND WHALEFISHERS!

Bandet fyller utrolig nok 30 års jubileum i år. 

8. Mars 1994 var deres første spillejobb. Siden den gang har de turnert verden rundt og sluppet den ene kvalitets-utgivelsen etter den andre. 


“This is probably one of the best Celtic Punk bands you will ever see perform live. They rank right up there with Flogging Molly” 

Séafra – (Kentucky, USA)

“A solid slab of heavily Pogues influenced Celtic Punk” 

Shite N’ Onions ( USA )

Named after the Irish traditional Sea Song “Greenland Whale Fisheries”, Greenland Whalefishers started out in Bergen Norway in 1994, long before anyone had heard of bands like Flogging Molly or Dropkick Murphys. Combining british punk with celtic folk influences, the band soon became one of the most interesting post-pogues bands .

More than two decades of touring all around the world performing sparkling live shows, releasing nine full length albums, DVD documentary movie, piles of singles, EPs and split-releases, contributing with music to the movie “Boondock Saints – All Saints Day”, places the underground folk punkers in Greenland Whalefishers as one of the worlds most credible celtic rock bands.

Greenland Whalefishers’ album “SONGS FROM the BUNKER” was rated to a fifth place by Shite N’ Onions on the list over the best Celtic Punk CDs in 2010.  Shite N’ Onions also placed Greenland Whalefishers’ album “Loboville” on their list of the “10 BEST CELTIC PUNK ALBUMS EVER”, above artists like Dropkick Murphys and Shane MacGowan. 

In 2014 the band celebrated their 20th anniversary.
As a part of the celebration Greenland whalefishers released the documentary movie “20 Years Of Waiting” covering the entire history of the band. The movie gained fantastic reviews:
“all was answered and more by this amazing Rockumentary celebrating 20 years of one of the greatest Paddy Punk bands in the world ever.”

Greenland Whalefishers have toured in the USA, Japan, England, Germany, Italy, Scotland, Poland, Czeck Republic, The Netherlands, Belgium etc, and will continue touring all over with more power and energy than ever on what may be called their never ending world tour. It is all this hard work and all the experience touring that has made critics applaud the bands albums and concerts saying;
” this is probably one of the best Celtic Punk bands you will ever see perform live “.


20 års aldersgrense


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